About Roger Tarazona, Owner, and Licensed Massage Therapist In Florida
Roger Tarazona is the Owner, has completed a Bachelor of Science at FIU, and is a Licensed Massage Therapist in Florida with 12 years of experience. In the year 2017, Roger experienced a torn medial collateral ligament, which limited his ability to run, jump, and bend. In order to achieve a fast recovery, Roger treated himself using the IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) therapy. After treating himself for a month and a haft, Roger was fully recovered and able to play sports with no discomfort at all. His own injuries and recovery have led to his passion for helping others and his experience allows him to truly understand what his clients are going through from their perspective.
Roger has worked in a variety of settings including Physical therapy offices and chiropractor offices specializing in working with clients who experienced sport related injuries, car accidents, and other forms of muscleskeletal injuries.
Roger is experienced in several therapeutic modalities including, therapeutic massage, IASTM, trigger point therapy, orthopedic kinisiotaping, therapeutic stretch, therapeutic exercises, cupping therapy and orthopedic rehabilitation.
Roger is an expert in treating the following conditions:
Sacrum pain (injured sacrum ligaments)
Knee sprains (MCL, LCL, ACL, PCL meniscus)
Shoulder sprains and strains
Hamstring tear, discomfort
Ankle sprain and strains
Wrist sprains and strains
Elbow sprains and strains
Hip flexors sprains and strains
Fibrotic muscles
Neck pain
Lower back pain
Sciatic pain
En el año 2017, Roger Tarazona experimentó un desgarro en el ligamento colateral medial , lo que limitó su capacidad para correr, saltar y doblar sus rodillas. Para lograr una recuperación rápida, Roger se trató a sí mismo utilizando la tecnica IASTM (Movilización de tejidos blandos asistida por instrumentos). Después de tratarse a sí mismo durante un mes y medio, Roger se recuperó por completo y pudo practicar deportes sin ninguna molestia. Sus propias lesiones y recuperaciónes le han llevado a su pasión por ayudar a los demás y su experiencia le permite comprender verdaderamente por lo que están pasando sus clientes desde sus propias perspectiva.
Roger ha trabajado en una variedad de entornos, incluyendo oficinas de fisioterapia y oficinas quiropracticas, especializandose en trabajar con clientes que han experimentado lesiones deportivas, accidentes automovilísticos y otras formas de lesiones músculo-esqueléticas.
Roger tiene experiencia en varias modalidades terapéuticas que incluyen masaje terapéutico, masaje de tejido profundo, IASTM, terapia de puntos de gatillo, kinisiotaping ortopédico, estiramiento terapéutico, ejercicios terapéuticos, terapia de ventosas, y rehabilitación ortopédica.
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To schedule a session Call us
at: 786-506-3167